I really love research. Don’t get me wrong, I love being an artist and acting is fun, but finding out about stuff is my JAM. If I could be a res...

    In French grammar, the noun force is feminine and its adjective “agrees”, with an “e” on the end: majeure. If you google “force majeure” you get “unforeseeable circumstances”, “irresistable compulsion” (I like that one), “superior strength” ( I LOVE that), “an effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled” (bring it on!), an “Act of God”.

    Isn’t that…love?

  • Sourdough Saved My Life

    The right materials, a process that works, and practice: these are what you need to make good sourdough. They’re also the things I use all the tim...
  • It's a GIRL(y, arty, thinky, talky, shoppy website)!

    "It has been a VERY long journey to (quietly) launching amandabilling dot com. I had my first meeting about a website at least three years ago. It’s been an odyssey of procrastination, crises of confidence, more procrastination, blinding insight, last minute technical difficulties, and finally success."