Collection: MONOPRINTS

Trace monoprints made by hand (2021) and monotypes made using a press (2022) by Amanda Billing.

Some framed, some not.

Trace monoprints are made by making impressions on a piece of paper laid over an inked block. They're made "blind" because I can't really see what the end result will look like (I can lift a corner but that's about it).

Monotypes with a press are made by painting directly on to a plate, laying paper on top, and running the pair through a printing press. This is a very complex process which relies a lot on preparing the paper well and getting the pressure right in order to get a print as close to my painting as possible.

These forms of monoprinting are exciting, difficult, inspiring. They combine drawing and painting (my two favourite things) with the risk and reward of single edition printmaking.


21 products
  • One Step Nearer to Freedom (2022)
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  • A Race of Ballet Dancers (2022)
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  • Paradise IV (2022)
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  • Paradise III (2022)
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  • Paradise II (2022)
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  • Paradise I (2022)
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