Available by PREORDER only. This preorder opened Sunday 23rd Feb and closes SUNDAY 9th MARCH. More info about preorder dates/process below.
Created in a lively, spontaneous life drawing session during a creative residency at my friend's beautiful meditation centre.
I set a timer for 15, 30 and 60 seconds and when the timer went off, I started a new drawing.
This is a 15 second sketch, originally done in willow charcoal on newsprint.
The original is in a private collection. This reproduction now a kind of "living print".
One size: 46cm x 37cm, Gusset width 12.5cm.
Preorders are the most sustainable way for me to put my designs out into the world. They're cost-effective and mean I don't make more than there's immediate demand for.
They do take time however, up to one month after the preorder closes. Please bear this in mind if you were quick off the mark with your order.
My designs are unique and are worth the wait.
Here's the approximate timeline:
- preorder is open for 10 days to two weeks
- the day after the preorder closes, I submit an order to the screen printer
- production (including item ordering, artwork clearance, printing) takes two- three weeks
- freight takes another week once the items are at my studio (longer if you've chosen Air Mail internationally).